Free Ebook Atomic Audit The Costs and Consequences of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Since 1940
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Book Details :
Published on: 1998-06-01
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Original language: English
Since 1945, the United States has manufactured and deployed more than 70,000 nuclear weapons to deter and if necessary fight a nuclear war. Some observers believe the absence of a third world war confirms that these weapons were a prudent and cost-effective response to the uncertainty and fear surrounding the Soviet Union's military and political ambitions during the cold war. As early as 1950, nuclear weapons were considered relatively inexpensive— providing "a bigger bang for a buck"—and were thoroughly integrated into U.S. forces on that basis. Yet this assumption was never validated. Indeed, for more than fifty years scant attention has been paid to the enormous costs of this effort—more than $5 trillion thus far—and its short and long-term consequences for the nation. Based on four years of extensive research, Atomic Audit is the first book to document the comprehensive costs of U.S. nuclear weapons, assembling for the first time anywhere the actual and estimated expenditures for the program since its creation in 1940. The authors provide a unique perspective on U.S. nuclear policy and nuclear weapons, tracking their development from the Manhattan Project of World War II to the present day and assessing each aspect of the program, including research, development, testing, and production; deployment; command, control, communications, and intelligence; and defensive measures. They also examine the costs of dismantling nuclear weapons, the management and disposal of large quantities of toxic and radioactive wastes left over from their production, compensation for persons harmed by nuclear weapons activities, nuclear secrecy, and the economic implications of nuclear deterrence. Trump's position on nukes endangers America and the world ... Trump's call for a nuclear 'arms race' is the most dangerous thing he's said yet The Power Hour News July 2015 The Power Hour Past News : JULY 2015. Friday - July 31 2015 - Today in History: 1792 - The cornerstone of the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia PA was laid. Era atomica - Wikipedia Wikiquote contiene citazioni sull'era atomica; contiene immagini o altri file sull' Collegamenti esterni. Living in Atomic age Nebraska studies History of nuclear weapons - Wikipedia Nuclear weapons; Background; History; Warfare; Winter; Workers; Arms race; Design; Testing; Ethics; Effects; Delivery; Espionage; Proliferation; Arsenals; Terrorism ... The Costs of U.S. Nuclear Weapons NTI Outpacing Cyber Threats: Priorities for Cybersecurity at Nuclear Facilities takes a fresh look at cybersecurity at nuclear facilities and offers a set of ambitious ... The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2015 (HTML) The challenge to select and assess the outstanding events of the year for the release of the July 2015 edition of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report turned out ... Nuclear Test Sites Nuclear Test Sites. From 1945 until 1998 there have been over 2000 nuclear tests conducted worldwide. Congressional Oversight of U.S. Nuclear Weapons NTI Congressional oversight of the U.S. nuclear weapons programboth the operation and maintenance of deployed forces by the Department of Defense and the production ... Rocketpunk and MacGuffinite - Atomic Rockets Of course the obvious way to reduce the support costs to zero is to not have human beings in space in the first place and just use teleoperated drones or unmanned ... Nuclear weapon - Wikipedia The other basic type of nuclear weapon produces a large proportion of its energy in nuclear fusion reactions. Such fusion weapons are generally referred to as ...
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